A new warning about the dangers of using smartphones during meals has surfaced, highlighting an increased risk of bacterial infections.

The Daily Mail reported on a stark warning from Gareth Nye, a physiologist at the University of Chester, about the hazards of smartphone use at the dinner table.
Nye emphasized that smartphones are hotbeds for bacteria that can cause food poisoning, skin infections, and even sepsis. He cautioned that using your phone while eating could transfer these nasty bugs from your hands to your food or mouth, seriously upping your infection risk.
Some of the most common bacteria found lurking on your phone include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacteria that can lead to respiratory or skin infections; Acinetobacter baumannii, a potential cause of meningitis, E. coli for nausea and vomiting; and fecal streptococci, which can cause respiratory diseases and sepsis.
According to Nye, our hands come into contact with about 150 different items every day, spreading bacteria onto our smartphone screens like it’s going out of style.
But it’s not just about germs—using your phone during meals can also mess with your digestion and potentially lead to weight gain. Scrolling through Instagram instead of focusing on your food makes you more likely to overeat or develop irregular eating habits.
Hold onto your phones, ladies, because this next bit is shocking: A study found that your beloved smartphone harbors ten times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
If that wasn’t enough to make you reach for the hand sanitizer, research has shown that 17% of phones are contaminated with feces. Recently, videos revealing the multitude of bacteria and mites on phones have given viewers the heebie-jeebies.
So, how can you protect yourself? First, always wash your hands before eating, and resist the urge to check your phone during meals. Second, make cleaning your smartphone a regular habit—aim to disinfect it with a sanitizing spray at least every other day.
Remove your phone case and wash it with hot, soapy water. If it’s leather, use a specialized cleaner to keep it looking chic.
Start by gently wiping the phone’s exterior with a soft cloth to remove dust and debris. Then, carefully use a toothpick to clean out any gunk from the ports.
Finally, wipe down your phone thoroughly with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, paying extra attention to buttons and speaker holes. Remember to keep your hands clean, too—frequent hand-washing is key to preventing the transfer of bacteria to your phone.
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