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Struggling with Ear Pain on Flights? Here’s a Simple Trick That Could Help

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The “hot cup method” is gaining attention as a way to reduce ear pain when flying.

An image to aid understanding of the article. / ARMMY PICCA-shutterstock.com
ARMMY PICCA-shutterstock.com

A TikTok channel recently posted a video titled “How to Reduce Ear Pain on Airplanes,” offering tips to alleviate discomfort during flights.

In the video, a woman describes her painful experiences with parotitis media, a middle ear inflammation caused by pressure changes during flights. She shares that using the ‘hot cup’ method has helped reduce the pain.

The method involves using a paper cup, a napkin, and warm water. First, place a napkin inside the paper cup, pour some warm water to dampen it, and then hold the cup’s opening against your ear. The warm steam helps alleviate the pain by relaxing the ear muscles and tissues.

Dr. Lawrence Cunningham, an otolaryngologist at Texas General Hospital, explained that the warmth can relax tension in the ear and help open the Eustachian tube, which regulates pressure in the ear.

While the hot cup method hasn’t been medically proven, it is known to provide temporary relief and comfort.

An image to aid understanding of the article. A paper cup. / Lipskiy-shutterstock.com

Barotitis media (also known as airplane ear) occurs due to sudden changes in air pressure. As a result, the Eustachian tube, which balances the pressure between the inside and outside of the ear, may not function properly.

Middle ear infections often start from a viral infection, such as a cold. The inflammation can spread to the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, which is located behind the tonsils in the throat.

Chewing gum or sucking on candy during takeoff and landing helps keep the Eustachian tube open, preventing middle ear infections. Pinching your nose with both hands and making a “huh” sound while keeping your mouth closed a few times can also be effective.

For infants, using a pacifier or allowing them to suck on candy can be beneficial. The act of sucking or swallowing frequently opens the Eustachian tube, preventing it from becoming blocked by pressure changes.

Using earplugs can also help. Earplugs block noise and regulate pressure between the outer and inner ear, reducing ear pain.

If ear pain or a clogged feeling persists after the flight, it’s important to see a doctor. Since airplane ear is a type of middle ear infection, it requires treatment. If symptoms are severe and left untreated, the eardrum can be damaged, leading to hearing problems.





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