Keeping toxic people in your life can be detrimental to your health.
The company you keep has a profound impact on your mental well-being.
A “toxic partner” is someone who consistently engages in behaviors that harm their partner’s emotional, mental, or physical health.

These individuals attempt to control their partners through manipulation, insults, blame-shifting, jealousy, and possessiveness. When problems arise, they point fingers at their partners, isolate them from friends and family, and often display anxious behavior.
They also lie, disregard their partner’s needs, and attempt gaslighting.
When such behavior continues, it lowers the partner’s self-esteem, increases stress, and reduces overall happiness.
Stress is often called the silent killer, and it’s even cited as a major contributor to cancer.
So, how can you break free from a toxic relationship and surround yourself with positive influences?
Building strong self-esteem is crucial. Low self-esteem can lead to thoughts like, “Maybe this is what I deserve,” or “I guess this is as good as it gets.” Toxic people are good at recognizing and exploiting this vulnerability.

Past traumas, especially during romantic relationships, greatly influence current ones. Those who have experienced abuse, neglect, or abandonment may unconsciously repeat familiar, unhealthy patterns. To let go of the past, it’s essential to face, understand, and heal from it.
Learn to say “no” when something doesn’t feel right. Clearly and firmly expressing your boundaries is key to preventing others from manipulating you.
Cultivate independence and avoid leaning too heavily on others. Overdependence can be emotionally draining and hinder personal growth and autonomy.
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