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Why Starving Yourself is the Worst Diet Mistake You Can Make

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The world of dieting is vast, with countless methods vying for attention. The options seem endless, from calorie-restricted plans to low-carb regimens, low-fat diets, insulin-sensitivity approaches, and even the Mediterranean diet. But amid this sea of choices, health experts unanimously warn against one method: starvation.

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Paradise studio-shutterstock.com

Shedding pounds through starvation is meaningless. That number on the scale? It’s just a sneaky illusion caused by losing water and muscle, not actual fat.

Once you start eating normally again, that lost weight races back, sometimes bringing extra pounds along for the ride. When you skip meals, your body goes into full-on survival mode, hoarding nutrients.

Starving yourself is a surefire way to sabotage your metabolism. When your body is desperate for energy, it starts breaking down muscle for fuel. Less muscle means a slower metabolism, which invites weight gain, even if you barely eat anything.

Avoiding the mono diet that young people often try is also better. Losing weight by eating only one type of food is likely to fail and can harm one’s health.

Stick to a mono diet long enough, and you might find yourself dealing with some seriously unsexy side effects. We’re talking missed periods, hair loss, and gnawing hunger that could lead to full-on binge sessions.

The secret to sustainable weight loss without the dreaded yo-yo effect is balance. While you should eat all five essential nutrients at every meal, aim to cut about 500 calories from your daily intake.

According to the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, this 500-calorie reduction can help you drop about a pound weekly.

But remember, not all calories are created equal. Foods with a high glycemic index are like a sugar rush for your bloodstream, leaving you hungry and sabotaging your diet goals. Instead, reach for low-GI superstars like brown rice, tofu, spinach, eggs, and tomatoes to satisfy and keep you on track.





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