Americanos are often touted as a dieter’s dream, with virtually zero calories. Some studies even suggest they can aid weight loss. However, it is not widely known that even this drink can make it difficult to manage weight if consumed incorrectly.

Let’s break it down: An Americano contains about 5-10 calories, much lower than the 250-calorie café mocha or even a 130-calorie milk. But don’t let that low-calorie count fool you. Overindulging in Americanos can still mess with your weight and raise your cholesterol levels.
Excessive consumption of Americano can negatively affect hormones, making it harder to regulate appetite. The caffeine increases your heart rate and breathing rate, potentially triggering anxiety and tension. This stress response raises your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
When too much cortisol is released, the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin is disrupted. As a result, you might crave foods like desserts even when you’re not hungry, leading to binge eating and overeating.
There is also a risk of increased cholesterol levels. Americanos are basically espresso shots diluted with water, and espresso contains a fatty compound called cafestol.
Ever notice that golden foam on top of your espresso? That’s crema, and it’s loaded with cafestol. Too much of this stuff can send your cholesterol levels through the roof.
A study by the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) found that after just four weeks of consuming five cups of coffee daily, cholesterol levels shot up by 8% in men and 10% in women.
People who drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day tend to have higher cholesterol levels than those who don’t drink coffee at all. A Norwegian study also found that this correlation was especially prominent in men.
Experts think cafestol interferes with fat metabolism and raises cholesterol levels. The body uses cholesterol made in the liver to produce bile acids to digest fat. Still, cafestol disrupts the synthesis of bile acids, causing cholesterol to remain unnecessarily in the body.
Even though Americanos are low in calories, moderation is key. Two cups max per day are recommended. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety recommends a maximum daily caffeine intake of 400 mg for adults, equivalent to three to four cups of Americano.
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