Missionary Who is Trapped in North Korea For Over a Decade: 4,000 Days Behind BarsOn the 20th, it will be 4,000 days since South Korean missionary Kim Jung Wook, 60, was captured and detained in North Korea.
El Salvador's Bukele Cracks Down: 2000 Gang Members Moved to New Mega PrisonPresident of El Salvador has announced the relocation of over 2000 gang members to a large detention center.
Young Man Escapes Kidnapping in Seoul: Suspects ApprehendedA man in his twenties was kidnapped in the city center of Seoul. Three men in their twenties who used force to kidnap an acquaintance in Seoul have been arrested by the police. On the 10th, the Gangbuk Police Station in Seoul announced that they are investigating three men in their early twenties who are […]
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