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#diet (65 Posts)

  • Keto Diet's Surprising Effects on Aging Brains: More Than Just Weight Loss New research findings have discovered a potential mechanism by which a ketogenic (keto) diet may enhance brain function. Published in Cell Reports Medicine, the results of the study show the mechanism by which the keto diet improves the brain performance of aged male mice. The researchers compared and analyzed 19 male mice aged 20 to […]
  • Could Your Dinner Save the Earth? New Study Links Diet to Lower Death Rates and Reduced Carbon Footprint A recent study found the relevance of a planetary health diet to a decreased risk of premature death.
  • Could Avocados Be the Key to Better Liver Health? Avocado is one of the most meaningful fruits in the world, as selected by the Guinness Book of Records, and is also one of the top ten...
  • Cross-Cultural Missteps: American Told to Diet by Korean Elder on the Streets of Seoul An elderly Korean man is facing backlash after making rude comments to an American woman who he encountered on the street, advising her to “go on a diet.” Heechulism, a YouTuber with 1.02 million subscribers, produced a video documenting the experience of an American woman named Jenna living in Korea. During the filming, they encountered […]
  • Three Steps You MUST Follow For Healthy Weight Loss Anyone considering a weight loss journey wants to do it effectively and quickly. However, losing a substantial amount of weight quickly often results in an excessive diet. Nonetheless, an excessive diet is not a long-term solution and oftentimes you gain that weight back. Losing weight requires a significant amount of time and effort. Internal medicine […]
  • Greek Yogurt: More Than Just a Diet Trend! It may not be entirely because of the recent pandemic, but there has been a global craze for fermented foods lately as people are becoming more interested in their health and immunity. Greek yogurt is receiving a lot of attention as a superfood, worthy of being one of the world’s top five health foods. But […]
  • Slim Down Secret: Protein Diets Shake Up Your Gut for Weight Loss Have you ever stood in front of the mirror after a shower and wondered if you should go on a diet, looking at your stomach and sides?
  • Dangerous Diet Trend: The Fatal Risks of Water Fasting Health authorities have warned about the water-fasting diet, which involves drinking only water and refraining from consuming other food. This diet can lead to water intoxication and even death. On June 13, the Korea Health Promotion Institute stated, “Posts promoting weight loss through water fasting are spreading on social media and video platforms. There is […]
  • The Surprising Link Between Exercise and Cancer Treatment A new study suggests that exercise can boost the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy. The effects of exercise on cancer immunotherapy in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia were published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. The research found that exercise can stimulate immune cells and enhance the body’s immunity, which is helpful for patients undergoing […]
  • Post-Workout Nutrients YOU CAN'T AFFORD to Skip Regular exercise is essential for a healthy life. But it doesn’t end with just working out. Being mindful of your post-workout nutrition can maximize its benefits. People who regularly exercise often opt for protein-rich foods. Even those who don’t exercise have probably heard that “without protein, muscle loss occurs,” which is true. Protein, one of […]
  • New Research Reveals Testosterone’s Role in Diabetes Prevention A recent study has found that higher testosterone levels in men under 65 reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The results of the study investigating the correlation between testosterone levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes were presented at the 2024 Endocrine Society Annual Meeting (ENDO 2024). Testosterone, a male hormone, plays various […]
  • Heart Risk Heightens with Obesity in Youth, Study Shows A recent study found that young people who are obese have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The research investigated the correlation between obesity and the risk of cardiovascular diseases based on age and was presented at the 2024 Endocrine Society Annual Meeting (ENDO 2024). A person is diagnosed as obese if their Body […]
  • New Study Links Diet to Lung Cancer Risk: What You Need to Know A new study reveals a correlation between diets and cancer risks. The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging published a study that suggests that a low-fat diet can reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers. Through past studies, it was found that visceral fat secretes chronic inflammatory substances like adipokines, increasing the cancer risk. […]
  • Where is Michael Mosley? Intermittent Fasting Advocate Missing on Greek Vacation Michael Mosley, a renowned British medical doctor and broadcaster, has been reported missing during his vacation in Greece,
  • How Your Sweet Tooth Could Be Putting Your Health at Risk Many people are shocked when they are diagnosed with fatty liver after health check-ups, regardless of age or drinking habits.
  • Live Longer With the Mediterranean Diet: Study’s Show a 20% Lower Death Risk A study has found that following a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of death from all causes by more than 20%. On the 3rd, a team led by Dr. Shafqat Ahmad from Harvard Medical School revealed the results of a 25-year tracking study on the diet and mortality risk of over 25,000 healthy American […]
  • Why the Mediterranean Diet is America's #1 Choice for Healthy Eating As the weather heats up, it's time to shed those thick winter clothes and reveal what's been hidden ...
  • Size Matters: How Large Fat Cells Can Help You Lose Weight Research has shown that the larger the size of fat cells, the easier it is to reduce weight, BMI, an ...
  • How Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Reduce Cancer and Heart Disease Risks Studies have shown that vegetarian and vegan diets can help reduce the risk of cancer and metabolic ...
  • Skinny on Fat: Why Looking Thin Doesn't Mean Being Healthy People commonly judge obesity based on a person's appearance or body shape. Many overweight individuals have health indicators that...
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  • Meet Snoopy Up Close at Knott’s Berry Farm’s Newest Attraction!
  • Keto Diet’s Surprising Effects on Aging Brains: More Than Just Weight Loss
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  • The Truth About Wisdom Teeth: To Pull or Not to Pull?
  • The Hidden Benefits of Peanut Butter: It’s Not Just for Kids!
  • When Laughing is a Symptom: Bollywood Star Reveals Battle with Rare Laughing Disorder
  • Are Sofas Sabotaging Your Back? 10 Deadly Truth About Your Favorite Couch
  • Beyond Play: How Robot Pets Are Enhancing Human Lives
  • Could Pomegranates Hold the Key to Alzheimer’s Relief?
  • Why You Should NEVER Brush Your Teeth in an Airplane Bathroom
  • Study Reveals Beetroot Juice Enhances Cardio Health in Postmenopausal Women
  • Say Goodbye to Bitter Cucumbers: 10 Simple Tricks to Enhance Your Summer Salads


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