Vegetarian vs. Meat-Eater Drama Unfolds Mid-FlightA passenger’s decision to eat a burger next to a vegetarian has sparked an online debate. On the 15, The Mirror reported about an incident that occurred on a flight when a passenger decided to eat a hamburger. According to the article, the man was extremely hungry after his eight-hour flight and bought a burger […]
How Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Reduce Cancer and Heart Disease RisksStudies have shown that vegetarian and vegan diets can help reduce the risk of cancer and metabolic ...
Plant-Based Burger That Tastes Like Human Meat Hits the MarketA hamburger designed to mimic the taste of human meat has recently been introduced.A European plant- ...
Chinese Singer's Mom Faces Life in Prison for Embezzlement [TV report=HanAeMyung reporter] Singer Gok WanJung caused a big controversy due to her mother's 18.7 billion won bribery while working as a Chinese government official. He has been criticized by the public again...
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