Amid the nationwide spread of ‘bed bug fear,’ a post stating an intention to purchase bed bugs for revenge against inter-floor noise has sparked controversy.

On the 12th, a post titled ‘Bed Bug Villain on Joongna (Korean Craigslist)’ and a screenshot of the used goods trading platform were posted on an online community.
The author of the post wrote, “I will buy bed bugs. After always being victimized by inter-floor noise, I felt like I saw an oasis when I saw the news about bed bugs,” and added, “I want to reprimand the next-door neighbor.”
He further stated, “I would be grateful if you could send me 10 bed bugs collected in a ziplock bag by courier,” and offered a purchase price of 3,000 KRW (approximately $2.50) for 10 bed bugs.
As the post spread online, the majority of netizens reacted with comments such as, “There’s a high possibility the bed bugs will infest your own house,” “Isn’t this method like saying let’s all die together,” and “Are you planning to burn down your house trying to catch bed bugs.”
On the other hand, there were also opinions like, “I can fully understand this, having suffered from interfloor noise myself,” and “He must have had a hard time doing this.”

Meanwhile, as bed bug reports continue nationwide, the government has taken comprehensive measures, including establishing a Bed Bug Government Joint Countermeasure Headquarters from the 3rd and creating a situation room from the 7th.
By. Kim Hyo Jin
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