North Korea’s cabinet newspaper, Minju Chosun, introduced the following.
First, milk and soybean soup. Because of its high protein content, when people consume it on an empty stomach, their bodies immediately use it for energy and do not provide the necessary nutritional supplementation.
Consuming them with snacks or other flour-based foods two hours after a meal or before bed is recommended.
Next is citric acid. Because its health benefits decrease when consumed on an empty stomach, take it two hours after a meal or before sleeping to supplement nutrition, promote digestion, and facilitate gas and bowel movements.
Tea: Drinking it on an empty stomach can dilute stomach acid, weakening its digestive function. It can also cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness, and a lack of energy.
As for candy, the body absorbs sugar quickly, so if you eat candy on an empty stomach, the body cannot secrete enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels in a short period.
Eventually, a sudden increase in blood sugar can lead to various diseases.
Since candy is acidic, eating it on an empty stomach can disrupt the balance of acid and alkali in the body and the balance of various microorganisms, which can be detrimental to health.
Persimmons and tomatoes are also fruits. These fruits contain a lot of pectin and tannic acid substances that react with stomach acid to produce insoluble material, negatively affecting digestion.
Sweet potatoes contain many tannins and colloids, which can stimulate the stomach lining, promote the secretion of gastric juice, and potentially lead to diseases such as hyperacidity.
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