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Store Employee Reveals the 2-Second Trick to Opening a T-Shirt

Daniel Kim Views  

Folding t-shirts after laundry doesn’t have to be a chore. With this lightning-fast method, shared by a seasoned clothing store employee, you can fold any t-shirt in just two seconds. Here’s how:

1. Identify the Three Key Points

Start by laying the t-shirt flat on a surface. Smooth out any wrinkles for a clean fold. Identify three key points:

Point 1: The collar area (top corner).

Point 2: The center where a horizontal line intersects with a vertical one.

Point 3: The bottom edge of the vertical line.

These three spots are your guide to a perfect fold.

2. Folding the Shirt

•Pinch Point 1 (collar) with one hand and Point 2 (center) with the other.

•Move the hand holding Point 1 down to grab Point 3 (bottom edge) while keeping your other hand steady.

Pro Tip: Make sure the hand holding the center point stays on the outside of the shirt, or the fold won’t work!

3. Finalizing the Fold

•Lift the shirt while keeping your grip on the points. A gentle shake will help align the folds.

•Lay the shirt back on the surface and fold along the lines to tidy up the edges.

Though it might feel awkward initially, this technique will feel natural after a few tries. It’s quick, efficient, and perfect for anyone tired of spending too much time folding laundry.

Daniel Kim




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