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New Study Reveals Alcohol Increases Pain Tolerance—and Might Make You More Aggressive

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Alcohol reduces the body’s sensitivity to pain, potentially increasing aggressive behavior, according to a recent study.

An image to aid in understanding the article. / CGN089-shutterstock.com
An image to aid in understanding the article. / CGN089-shutterstock.com

On November 26, researchers from Ohio State University published their findings in the international journal Alcohol and Drug Research Journal.

The study involved 870 participants who reported consuming three to four alcoholic beverages at least once a month. Over 20 minutes, they were given either alcoholic or placebo beverages.

The placebo drink consisted of orange juice with a small amount of alcohol sprayed on top and around the rim of the glass to mimic the taste of an alcoholic beverage. The appearance and taste were indistinguishable from alcohol, so participants could not discern which drink they consumed.

After drinking, participants received a brief electric shock to their fingertips for one second. The research team increased the shock intensity until participants reported feeling pain. This process measured the participants’ pain thresholds.

Following this, participants engaged in an online reaction time competition. The winner could administer an electric shock to the loser, with the shock intensity ranging from 1 (mild) to 10 (strong). They could also choose the duration of the shock.

The results showed that participants who consumed alcohol reported higher sensitivity to the electric shocks. Those with higher pain tolerance exhibited more aggressive behavior, administering stronger and longer shocks to others.

Conversely, placebo participants were less aggressive and demonstrated lower pain thresholds.

The research team explained that intoxicated individuals who cannot feel their own pain may also lack empathy for others’ pain, leading to heightened aggression.

Lead researcher Brad Bushman noted that while there are many reasons intoxicated people may intentionally harm others, increased pain tolerance could be a contributing factor.

During the study, the average blood alcohol concentration of participants ranged from 0.095% to 0.11%, slightly exceeding the legal limit of 0.08% in most U.S. states.

Bushman added that individuals who consume more alcohol than those tested in this experiment may develop even higher pain tolerance, making them more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior toward others.





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