Exercise is essential for weight loss, regardless of gender. To maximize exercise effectiveness, setting specific meal and exercise times, adjusting your lifestyle accordingly, and exercising regularly is best. So, when is the best time to exercise, before or after meals?

It depends on gender. Women should exercise after meals to maximize weight loss, while men should exercise on an empty stomach.
Women’s bodies preserve carbohydrates, so if they eat immediately after exercise, fat-burning stops, and the body shifts focus to carbohydrate preservation.
Therefore, women should wait at least 90 minutes after a workout before eating. During this time, fat is burned intensively.
On the other hand, men’s bodies prioritize muscle preservation. If men work out with a full tank, they’re more likely to use those nutrients to bulk up rather than slim down. This means muscle gain comes before fat loss.
A study from the University of Surrey found that women who ate before exercising lost 22% more body fat, while men who waited until after their workout to eat lost 8% more body fat.
Research also confirms the effects of the menstrual cycle. Researchers from the University of Bath had male participants exercise on an empty stomach after a high-carbohydrate meal.
Comparing blood and fat tissue samples taken multiple times, they found that working out on an empty stomach increased genes linked to energy metabolism (PDK4 and HSL). However, when the guys exercised after eating, these genes decreased.
It’s also important to establish a routine for exercise and meals. Our bodies release hormones based on our habits, so if we form a routine, metabolic hormones will be secreted at the right times, further enhancing fat metabolism.
On the other hand, irregular eating and exercise can lead to increased hunger or emotional instability.
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