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Diplomatic Relations Archives - ViewusGlobal

#diplomatic-relations (30 Posts)

  • From Allies to Frenemies? China's Complex Web with Russia and North Korea A recent analysis by experts suggests that the strengthened relationship between North Korea and Russia, often regarded as North Korea’s blood ally, appears to be easing China’s concerns as China recently appeared to be distancing itself. The potential for deepening the triangular relationship between North Korea, China, and Russia, which seemed to be stagnating, remains […]
  • North Korea Fires Up Tensions: Missile Test Sparks Global Outcry On the 26th, the United States, South Korea, and Japan issued a strong condemnation of North Korea’s ballistic missile launch, describing it as a provocative act that threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and globally. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Korean Peninsula Policy Lee Jun Il held a […]
  • North Korea and Russia's Treaty: A New Era of Military and Economic Cooperation North Korea is expected to hold a party plenum next week following the conclusion of the North Korea-Russia summit. Presided over directly by Kim Jong Un, the plenum is a significant meeting where new policies based on the summit’s results and new foreign messages from the supreme leader are expected to be announced. North Korea […]
  • A Shift in Global Politics? Putin and Kim Forge New Alliance On June 19, North Korea and Russia held a summit meeting on the occasion of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea. They signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, which included provisions for mutual support in times of crisis. According to Russian news agencies RIA Novosti and Interfax, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un […]
  • How America's Love for Korean Culture Strengthens Diplomatic Ties Cheong In Kyo, Chief Trade Negotiator of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, met with Former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Kathleen Stephens and Korea Society President Thomas Byrne on June 19. They discussed the current state of the U.S.-Korea alliance, ways to deepen cooperation between the U.S. and Korea, the trend of the […]
  • South Korea and China's Defense Dialogue: What's on the Table? On June 18, Senior diplomatic and defense officials from South Korea and China will meet in Seoul to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula and other issues of mutual interest. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense on June 17, the two countries will hold a Korea-China Diplomatic and […]
  • Putin's Anticipated Visit to North Korea Heats Up Global Tensions As President Vladimir Putin of Russia is expected to visit North Korea as early as this week, South Korea and China planned to meet in Seoul around the same time. Amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula due to North Korea’s continued provocations such as sending balloons filled with trash, a fierce diplomatic battle is […]
  • Geopolitical Chess: Putin's Next Move Includes North Korea NHK reported on the 12th, citing multiple diplomatic sources including high-ranking Russian government officials, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is coordinating a visit to North Korea early next week. According to NHK, Putin will be visiting North Korea for the first time in 24 years since July 2000. The media outlet also stated that it […]
  • South Korea and Turkmenistan Seal Deal on Major Gas Plant Projects South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is currently visiting Turkmenistan and has decided to strengthen the partnership between South Korea and Turkmenistan. The two countries agreed to expand cooperation in energy and plant businesses in Turkmenistan, the world’s fourth-largest holder of natural gas, to broaden the participation of South Korean companies. After a summit with […]
  • Japan and Ukraine to Accelerate Security Pact Negotiations at G7 Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to hold a bilateral meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the G7 summit. According to Yonhap News on the 8th, it was revealed Kishida is coordinating a plan to hold a bilateral meeting with Zelenskyy during his participation in the G7 summit to be held in Italy […]
  • New Horizons in Korea-Africa Relations President Yoon Suk Yeol made a joint declaration to strengthen cooperation in areas including critical mineral supply chains, digital transformation, science and technology, and investment and infrastructure, with leaders from 48 African countries. This move is seen as laying the groundwork for expanding into Africa. At the KINTEX in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, Yoon presided over […]
  • Xi Jinping Unveils Major Tech and Space Collaboration with Arab Nations During the 10th China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Ministerial Meeting in Beijing, China on May 30, President Xi Jinping proposed a five-point cooperation framework for the future advancement of China and Arab nations. Xi first announced that China and the Arab countries will establish ten joint research institutes in fields such as life and health, artificial […]
  • Was the EU Commissioner's Surprise Meeting with Israeli PM a Diplomatic Misstep? The meeting between EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant sparked controversy. Critics argue his actions as inappropriate, contrasting with the EU’s recent tough messages towards Israel. On the 29th, Varhelyi announced on X that “it was an honor to meet with Netanyahu to […]
  • South Korea Enlists China For Help with North Korea's Aggression During the South Korea-China bilateral meeting on the 26th, President Yoon Suk Yeol requested Li Qiang, the Premier of the State Council of China, to play a role as a fortress of peace as threats from North Korea continue to escalate. It was reported that Yoon expressed his concerns about “North Korea’s nuclear development, the […]
  • U.S. and Saudi Arabia Near Major Security Deal Amid Middle East Tensions On the 19th (local time), U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, to discuss strengthening cooperation in various areas, including a broad security agreement between the two countries. The Saudi state-run SPA news agency reported that during the meeting, Sullivan and Crown Prince […]
  • Putin Lands in Beijing: A Strategic Move Amidst Global Tensions CNN reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing, China for a state visit on the 16th. This visit is Putin’s first overseas trip since the start of his fifth term in power. CNN pointed out, “Despite friction with the West, China and Russia are deepening their relations.” Putin arrived in Beijing just hours […]
  • Will Russia and North Korea Rise as the World's New Power Duo? North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent a congratulatory telegram to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 79th anniversary of Victory Day, which commemorates Russia’s victory in World War II. Russia also expressed its willingness to develop cooperation with North Korea in all areas, suggesting that the relationship between North Korea and Russia is deepening. […]
  • China vs Japan: A Battle of Diplomacy Over Debt Trap Accusations China has strongly criticized Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s recent criticism of its debt-trap diplomacy, stating it “tarnishes China’s image.” The Chinese Embassy in Japan announced on the 8th through a spokesperson’s statement that “China has repeatedly explained the facts and tried to ensure correct understanding.” Before this, Prime Minister Kishida had criticized China’s debt-trap […]
  • Macron, Xi, and Von der Leyen: A Trilateral Meeting of Power French President Emmanuel Macron, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, held a trilateral meeting on the 6th (local time) to discuss trade and the war in Ukraine. According to Yonhap News, Macron welcomed the two leaders at the Élysée Palace in the morning. He shared, “The international […]
  • China's Global Power Play: Africa's Minerals in the Crosshair As China solidifies its cooperative relationships with African nations, they are trying to secure a supply chain for crucial mineral supply networks. While major Western countries, including the United States, strive to reduce their dependence on China for critical minerals such as rare earth and cobalt, China has long been establishing roots and expanding its […]
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