Why the Mediterranean Diet is America's #1 Choice for Healthy EatingAs the weather heats up, it's time to shed those thick winter clothes and reveal what's been hidden ...
Why You Can't Shake That Afternoon Fatigue: The Blood Sugar ConnectionMany people may have experienced bouts of sleepiness as the weather warms up. This could be chalked ...
Secret of 'SuperAgers' Unveiled: Why Some Brains Age Slower Than OthersResearch has shown that SuperAgers, individuals who maintain a youthful memory despite their old age ...
Bio-Threats at the Doorstep: North Korea's Growing Biological Arsenal NewsisAs the COVID-19 pandemic and the race for new technology intensify, there is a growing need t ...
How to Keep Your Eyes Clear and Healthy After a Day at the PoolDuring the summer, when many people spend time playing in the valleys or the sea, it's particularly ...
Size Matters: How Large Fat Cells Can Help You Lose WeightResearch has shown that the larger the size of fat cells, the easier it is to reduce weight, BMI, an ...
Gen Z Sanctuary: Inside China's Unique Nursing Homes for Young AdultsA new trend has emerged in China: nursing homes explicitly designed for people in their 20s and 30s.
Chinese Medical Miracle: Stem Cells Cure Man of DiabetesA successful treatment for diabetes using stem cell therapy is making headlines for the first time in China. According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on the 27th (local time), researchers at Changzheng Hospital in Shanghai announced that they had treated a patient in their 50s with diabetes using stem cell therapy, a first […]
Could This New Vaccine Strategy Eliminate the Need for Yearly Flu Shots?A study that suggests that developing a vaccine targeting the less mutating HA glycoprotein could lead to long-lasting immunity against influenza has been published in Science Translational Medicine. The research indicating a vaccine targeting the less mutating Hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein could provide long-term immunity against influenza. Since the influenza virus continuously mutates, getting a flu […]
Heavy Consequences: The Role of Obesity in Breast Cancer DevelopmentA recent study has found that obesity increases the risk of breast cancer, while metabolic syndrome raises the mortality rate from breast cancer. The study investigating the impact of obesity and metabolic syndrome on the incidence and mortality risk of breast cancer was published in the Cancer Journal. Breast cancer is the most common cancer […]
Early Menopause? It's More Serious Than You Think—Here's WhyA recent study revealed that women who experience early menopause before the age of 40 face an increased risk of mortality. The research investigating the correlation between early menopause and mortality risk was presented at the 26th European Congress of Endocrinology. Early menopause refers to women experiencing menopause before the age of 40, which is […]
Heart Health and Weight Loss? Wegovy Does Both!A study has shown that patients who took the obesity treatment drug Wegovy maintained an average weight loss of about 10% four years later. The research results were published in the European Congress on Obesity in Venice, Italy. Wegovy is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that was the first of its kind to be released, originally […]
Why More Grains Might Not Be Better: Science Behind Ideal Grain IntakeMany people enjoy eating mixed-grain rice for their health. Eating mixed-grain rice regularly can ef ...
Young People With Diabetes Face Higher Alzheimer's Risk, Study FindsResearchers have found that teenagers and young adults with diabetes face an increased risk of devel ...
Why Do We Hold On? 10 Hidden Secrets of Adult Attachments ExposedAttachment refers to the emotional bond with a specific individual. The attachment formed during inf ...
How Vegan and Vegetarian Diets Reduce Cancer and Heart Disease RisksStudies have shown that vegetarian and vegan diets can help reduce the risk of cancer and metabolic ...
Chew on This: How Slow Eating Can Transform Your HealthIt’s no exaggeration to say that all diseases originate from our dietary habits, and this includes the way we consume our food. Everyone knows that chewing food slowly and thoroughly is beneficial to our health, but putting it into practice can be surprisingly difficult. To develop a habit of chewing slowly, it is essential to […]
Seasonal Allergies: Why You Suffer and How to Stop ItAllergic rhinitis associated with seasonal change is a common affliction that can disrupt many peopl ...
Skinny on Fat: Why Looking Thin Doesn't Mean Being HealthyPeople commonly judge obesity based on a person's appearance or body shape. Many overweight individuals have health indicators that...
New mRNA Cancer Vaccine: A Beacon of Hope for Brain Tumor PatientsResearch results have been released stating that a new mRNA vaccine has been developed that can trea ...
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