Are You Drinking Water the Right Way During Meals? Find Out!The debate on drinking water with meals continues: it can aid digestion for some, but may disrupt it for others.
Delta Pilot Shares 5 Foods That Can Make You Feel Sick in the AirThe New York Post highlighted five foods to avoid, referencing First Officer Paul Janowicz, an experienced Delta pilot.
Forget Fasting: Nutritionist Suggests Frequent Meals for Better Weight LossIt's widely believed that avoiding food is key to weight loss. However, a new perspective challenges this idea.
Korean Air: Serving the Best First-Class In-Flight Meals for Two Years RunningKorean Air announced on the 14th that it had won the top award in the first-class in-flight meal cat ...
Slim Down Fast: 10 Secrets to Losing Sudden Weight Gain The best way to lose weight in 2 weeks.
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