10 Shocking Truths About Tanning: Is Your Glow Worth the Risk?Excessive tanning can cause skin cancer and aging. Tanning sprays are safer, but prioritize skin health and protection.
Dizzy in the Summer Sun? It Could Be Low Blood Pressure—Here's What to DoIf you frequently feel dizzy on hot summer days, you should consider the possibility of low blood pressure.
Diamonds Under Mercury? New Research Unveils Shocking PossibilityA diamond mantle layer approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) thick may exist beneath the surface of Mercury, according to a recent study.
Sun Turns Green: Rare Solar Event Caught on CameraThe camera captured a rare optical illusion of the sun flashing green at dusk. According to Oregon Live on the 27th (local time), Craig Hayslip, a research assistant at the Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute, captured a distinctive scene of the sun glowing green while filming the sunset on the 20th. In the photos […]
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