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North-South Tensions Escalate with New Military Movements at the DMZ

Daniel Kim Views  


It was confirmed on the 18th that North Korean troops had crossed the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) again but retreated after the South Korean military responded with warning shots.

A spokesperson from the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated, “At around 8:30 this morning, North Korean troops working within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the central front simply violated the MDL. They retreated northward after the military’s warning broadcasts and firing.” According to the spokesperson, around 20 to 30 North Korean troops were involved in the violation, some of whom were armed with rifles. The North Koreans crossed about 20 meters beyond the MDL, not to observe South Korea’s military, but to monitor North Korean troops.

Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Public Affairs Office Col. Lee Seong Joon further remarked, “The North Korean military is engaged in various activities, including land clearing, mine laying, reinforcing tactical roads, and installing structures that appear to be tank barriers in the front line areas.” This indicates that the breach of the MDL by the North Korean military was not for military provocation.

This marks the first violation of the MDL by the North Korean military in approximately nine days. On the 9th, at around 12:30 PM, 20 to 30 North Korean soldiers were identified at a point 20 meters south of the MDL. In response, the South Korean military issued warning broadcasts and fired shots, prompting the North Korean soldiers to withdraw. Roughly 20 minutes later, at around 12:50 PM, four North Korean soldiers were identified again at a point 50 meters south of the MDL, and they returned after the South Korean military played warning broadcasts and fired shots. On the same day, the South Korean military also resumed loudspeaker broadcasts toward North Korea for the first time in six years.

The South Korean military assessed that the North Korean military inadvertently crossed the MDL both on the 9th and today, as they were unable to see the MDL marker. Every year, around May and June, the visibility within the DMZ is impaired by thickening vegetation, making it challenging for North Korean troops to accurately ascertain their location while conducting logging or weeding operations.


It’s been reported that the majority of the North Korean soldiers were equipped with work tools such as axes and pickaxes, with only a few armed with rifles.

However, there is speculation that North Korea’s breaches of the MDL could signal preparation for a new provocation. Deputy Director of the North Korean Workers’ Party Kim Yo Jong made a statement about “a new response” just 11 hours following the MDL violation on the 9th.

In August 2015, about 20 days before North Korea’s landmine provocation, around 10 North Korean soldiers violated the MDL near Cheorwon in Gangwon Province and returned after the South Korean military’s warning shots.

However, according to a spokesperson from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “It’s a mountainous area without roads and the MDL is diagonal, so due to the geographical characteristics, it’s evaluated as a simple violation. It was assessed that they did not violate twice on the 9th but as additional identification after the warning broadcast and firing.”

The official added, “We don’t interpret it as an act to look into our readiness. There needs to be a certain amount of wasteland to lay mines, but there is a lot of vegetation in this area, so we think they might have done it while scouting and preparing in advance.”

A spokesperson from the Joint Chiefs of Staff emphasized, “We need to see if (the North Korean military’s violation of the MDL) continues to repeat, but we are taking measures according to the manual,” adding, “We will monitor and track their activities north of the MDL and prepare for unexpected situations.”

Some argue that it’s necessary to pay attention to the North Korean military’s actions to avoid escalating tensions on the Military Demarcation Line shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin visits North Korea. This aligns with the military’s assertion of a simple violation rather than a deliberate attempt by North Korea to heighten tensions, especially when careful situation management is needed ahead of the visit by the leader of its biggest ally.

Nevertheless, the breach of the MDL is a clear violation of the armistice agreement. Given the potential for inadvertent conflict, there are continuous concerns that North Korea might be conducting excessive actions in the MDL area for psychological provocation such as deliberately irritating its Southern counterpart.

Daniel Kim




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