North Korea lashed out at Elizabeth Salmón, the UN Special Rapporteur on North Korean Human Rights, calling her a “puppet” and a “top henchman” of the United States, and declared it would no longer engage with her.
In a statement released through the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), a spokesperson for the DPRK Association for Human Rights Studies criticized Salmón’s recent report to the 79th UN General Assembly. The report highlighted severe restrictions on North Korean citizens’ freedom of movement and expression, particularly following the implementation of what Salmón called the “three evil laws” — the Pyongyang Cultural Language Protection Law, the Youth Education Guarantee Law, and the Anti-Reactionary Thought Law.
In response, North Korea defended its COVID-19 measures, calling them “superior emergency quarantine measures” designed to safeguard the people’s right to life.
Regarding the so-called three “evil laws,” they claimed that they were legislative measures to protect their ideology and system from malicious ideological and cultural infiltration by the United States and the West aimed at undermining the nation’s sovereignty from within.
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