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Snoring Keeping You Up? Try These 5 Expert Tips for a Silent Slumber

Daniel Kim Views  

A wife struggling every night with her husband’s snoring. / Chachamp-shutterstock.com

The number of people suffering from snoring during sleep is on the rise. Snoring is being recognized as a severe condition that can lead to various health problems beyond simple sleep discomfort, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Some experts are drawing attention by suggesting practical ways to improve snoring.

According to a report by Kyunghyang Shinmun, Professor Min Hyun Jin of the Sleep Apnea Clinic at Chung-Ang University Hospital said, “People often dismiss snoring as a physiological habit, but obstructive sleep apnea caused by snoring is considered a disease, and if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications depending on the situation.”

One of the leading causes of snoring is abnormal breathing. When the muscles relax during sleep, the airway narrows, blocking up airflow and causing sound. Some experts emphasize the importance of proper sleep posture. The experts suggest sleeping sideways rather than in the back to keep the airway open and reduce snoring.

Second, weight management plays a significant role in ameliorating snoring. Being overweight or obese can narrow the airway by accumulating fat around the neck, which can worsen snoring. Therefore, weight management through regular exercise and healthy eating habits is recommended.

Third, setting the sleep environment more comfortable is also a pivotal factor. To avoid a lot of dust and allergens that can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, keep the bedroom clean and wash bedding regularly.

Fourth, alcohol and smoking are listed as one of the leading causes of snoring. Alcohol, in particular, promotes muscle relaxation during sleep, which narrows the respiratory tract. Therefore, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes before bedtime can help improve snoring.

Lastly, using a snoring-specific pillow or a special oral device during sleep can reduce snoring. In severe cases, surgical treatment can be considered through consultation with a specialist.

Snoring is a problem that can have serious health effects beyond simple lifestyle discomfort. Efforts to improve this are necessary, and it’s advised that the abovementioned methods be tried actively. Consistent effort and management can help you improve snoring and regain healthy sleep.

Daniel Kim




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