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health Archives - Page 12 of 37 - ViewusGlobal

#health (728 Posts)

  • Why Stress Makes You Reach for the Chips: Science of Eating Under Pressure Stress can lead to overeating unhealthy foods, which can lead to weight gain and mood disorders. Temporary euphoria soon leads to guilt...
  • Morning, Noon, or Night: What’s the Best Time to Exercise for You? Exercising in fall: mornings for stretching, lunch for strength, evenings for cardio. Find your perfect routine for health.
  • 6 Types of Pain You Should Never Ignore—Calll Your Doctor Right Now Six pains to never ignore: severe headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, burning in feet/legs, calf pain, and unexplained multiple pains.
  • How to Cut Sugar Without Cutting the Flavor: Top Ingredients to Replace Sugar Adopting a low-sugar lifestyle involves choosing natural foods, reading labels carefully, and replacing added sugars with natural sweeteners.
  • Turn Your Walk into a Workout: 2 Easy Ways to Up the Intensity To make your walk more effective, increase your pace to boost calorie burn and widen your stride to engage more muscles and improve balance.
  • Why Dehydration Could Be More Dangerous in Winter Than You Think – Here's How to Stay Hydrated Dehydration affects all ages, often unnoticed in winter. Stay hydrated by drinking enough fluids and eating water-rich foods.
  • Shocking Truth: 100 Deaths a Year in New Delhi Due to Unbearable Air Pollution PM2.5 levels in New Delhi reach 907µg/m³, highlighting severe air pollution that causes 1 million annual deaths.
  • How Social Media Can Improve Mental Health: New Study Offers Hope for Teens A study shows that mindful social media use can improve teen mental health, while complete abstinence may lead to isolation.
  • Why Winter Brings on Hemorrhoids—and How to Ease the Pain Colder weather increases hemorrhoid risks. Understanding types, causes, and management can help alleviate symptoms effectively.
  • How a Shot Glass of Water Can Cause Deadly Dry Drowning Dry drowning can happen with just a small amount of water, especially in children. Watch for signs of difficulty breathing.
  • Best 8 Foods to Help You Achieve Radiant, Youthful Skin 8 Foods for Healthy Skin: Cucumbers, Pumpkin Seeds, Algae, Kale, Lemon, Cabbage, Chia Seeds, Papaya, and More...
  • Is Your Desk Job Giving You ‘Office Chair Butt’? Here’s How to Tell To prevent "office chair butt," regularly activate your glutes, move every 30 minutes, and incorporate strengthening exercises like bridges.
  • Lip Blisters Aren’t Always What You Think—Truth About HSV-1 and Cold Sores Cold sores, often linked to HSV-1, are common and usually unrelated to sexual contact, unlike HSV-2, which is an STD.
  • Not Burned Out But Close? ‘Toastout’ Symptoms and How to Reset Toastout is pre-burnout fatigue; rest, hobbies, and exercise help prevent it from escalating into full burnout.
  • Why Milk Is Essential for Gut Health and Immune Support—The Full Scoop Milk is essential for gut health and immunity, providing probiotics, protein, and vitamin D. It's recommended to choose fresh, Grade 1A milk.
  • Abortion Pill Orders Surge 16 Times as Women Brace for Tougher Laws Amid fears of tighter abortion restrictions, sales of abortion pills soar, with many women stockpiling medications preemptively.
  • 144-Year-Old Chinese Restaurant Shaken by Rat Sighting in Kitchen A famous dim sum restaurant in China was investigated after a rat was spotted in the kitchen, sparking public outrage.
  • Eat Less, Live Longer? Mice Study Reveals Surprising Twist on Dieting A new study reveals that mice on calorie-restricted diets lived longest when they lost the least weight, challenging diet assumptions.
  • Mediterranean Diet Benefits: Lower Heart Failure Risk for Women A study finds that the Mediterranean diet significantly reduces heart failure risk in women, highlighting its health benefits.
  • Brown vs. White Eggs: Is There Really a Difference? Brown and white eggs have similar nutrition; choose fresh eggs by checking for clean shells and performing a float test.
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