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North Korea Launches Potentially Dangerous Objects: What’s Next?

Daniel Kim Views  

북한이 동해상으로 탄도미사일을 발사한 18일 오전 서울역 대합실에서 관련 뉴스가 나오고 있다. 사진=연합뉴스
On the 18th morning, when North Korea launched a ballistic missile toward the East Sea, related news was broadcast in the Seoul Station waiting room. Picture=Yonhap News

On the morning of the 18th, Japan’s Ministry of Defense reported that North Korea fired two objects that could potentially be ballistic missiles. Both objects fell outside of Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Local public broadcaster NHK, quoting defense ministry officials, reported that two potential ballistic missiles were launched at around 8 a.m., about 40 minutes apart. Both objects are believed to have fallen outside of their national EEZ.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) confirmed that North Korea launched those objects earlier.

The JCS stated, “North Korea launched several flying objects presumed to be short-range ballistic missiles from the vicinity of Sangwon in Hwanghae Province towards the East Sea at around 7:44 a.m. today.” They added, “Our military is strengthening surveillance and alertness in preparation for additional launches while maintaining a full readiness posture by sharing information closely related to North Korea’s ballistic missile with U.S. and Japanese authorities.”

This missile launch is interpreted as a response to the joint US-South Korea exercises Freedom of Shield (FS), conducted from the 4th to the 14th. After concluding the FS exercise, our military continues joint training with the US.

This is already the second launch of North Korea’s ballistic missile this year. On January 14th, they launched a mid-range ballistic missile into the East Sea. The missile traveled approximately 621 miles before landing in the East Sea.

Daniel Kim




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